Festival Mondial du Cirque De Demain

Join us for a trip to Cirque de Demain

25 January 2025

On Saturday 25 January 2025, we head to Paris once again for the 44th edition of the Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain. Every year, Cirque de Demain celebrates the circus talent of tomorrow (ah yes). Acrobats, tightrope walkers, clowns, jugglers and trapeze artists from all over the world meet in Paris where they get the chance to present themselves to an international jury and an enthusiastic audience. We are arranging a busride to Paris in order to have a much people as possible to join us for this circus adventure.

Timing of this circus fieldtrip

  • 08:00: Departure by bus at SPRK. Be sure to arrive on time, the bus can NOT wait, otherwise we might miss the start of the first performance.
  • 13:30: Estimated arrival in Paris.
  • 14:30: Start afternoon performance.
  • 20:30: Start of evening performance.
  • 00:00: Estimated departure in Paris.
  • 04:00: Estimated arrival back in Antwerp.


We got a nice group discount from Cirque de Demain which made us land on €100 for the bus ride there and back + admission to both the afternoon and evening performance.


  • A packed lunch and something to drink along the way.
  • In the evening, we will look for something to eat nearby. So bring some cash.


  • Arno will join us from the ECDF team. Not only because he’s really looking forward to it, but also as a guide for young acrobats (14 years and older) who want to come along without their parents. You can reach him that day at 0485 07 59 72.
  • Younger than 14? Then it’s best to bring an adult companion.
  • Places are limited, register quickly!
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