When you sign up for our classes, masterclasses or workshops, or when you participate in any of our activities, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.
Registration is done online, through the registration module on our website. After your registration you will immediately receive a confirmation email with the payable amount and payment details. You can make the payment with this information, no invoice will be sent. Please note, your registration is only final after payment or when an installment plan has been confirmed by us.
The membership fee is 30 euros. You pay this amount once per working year (July to June). The membership fee covers basic costs for insurance, member administration, etc. As a member of EDCF you can enjoy discounts on activities such as MAD Festival or other circus festivals.
Your lesson fee pays for teachers, purchases, the maintenance or repairing of equipment, and other general expenses. The basic rate of your lesson depends both on the duration of the lesson and on the technique.
Students entitled to VT status (formerly OMNIO) receive a 30% discount on tuition fees. For those for whom the financial threshold is too high and therefore would not be able to enroll: please get in touch. That way we can look for other reduction options offered by the city of Antwerp, het Zorgbedrijf and/or agree on an appropriate payment schedule.
Students or families taking 3 classes or more may also opt for monthly payments by direct debit. You will then pay 10% of the total price from September through June.
Your health insurance company will refund part of your membership fee! You can download the signed forms here.
Classes and vacation workshops are tax-deductible for participants up to the age of 12. ECDF provides fiscal certificates to all participants in May/June. You will receive these certificates annually by mail, at the end of the school year. Students with disabilities (between the ages of 12 and 18) are also entitled to a tax certificate. Please let us know if your child qualifies by sending an email to info@ecdf.be.
If you want to cancel your registration, please let us know as soon as possible. That way you can make someone else happy with the vacant spot. If you cancel your registration in an annual course or a vacation workshop before the start, you pay an administrative fee of 30 euros. The rest of the registration fee will be refunded.
If you cancel your registration in a class before November 1, you will pay an administration fee of 30 euros plus a fee for past classes. After November 1 and before the end of January, you can only cancel for medical reasons and with a medical certificate. From February onwards, you can no longer cancel.
Ell Circo D’ell Fuego has the right to cancel an annual course or a vacation workshop when there are insufficient registrations. In this case, the registration fee will be fully refunded.
If a trainer is unavailable due to illness or force majeure, ECDF will look for a replacement. If we do not find one, we will inform you. If a class in an annual course cannot take place unexpectedly because of this, the participant will not be compensated for this and the class will not be moved to a later date. However, we make every effort to avoid this particular situation. If a trainer is unavailable due to a pre-planned activity, ECDF will look for a suitable replacement or the class will be moved to a later date.
All our staff do their utmost to ensure the comfort and safety of every participant, from toddler to adult. To achieve this, some rules are necessary : you will find them on the board at the dressing rooms, read them! In the training hall, the trainer is always in charge: guidelines or remarks of trainers are to be followed. Persistent violations may result in suspension from classes or the possibility that the insurance company will not intervene in case of an accident. Leave your valuables at home. We are not responsible for theft or loss.
ECDF members are insured for physical injuries during classes and all supervised activities. This insurance covers all expenses not reimbursed by your health insurance company. In the event of an accident, the trainer will give you a form with instructions and a certificate that hast to be completed by the first attending physician.
Ell Circo D’ell Fuego makes photo and video recordings before, during and/or after activities. This is for our own use on our online media, such as Facebook, Instagram and the website. Occasionally, we send a photo or videographer to our classes to capture images that we use to communicate about our classes. We always notify our members and/or their parents in advance of these recordings. If you do not wish to be recorded, you can make that wish known to us in advance. If you want us to remove a picture of you/your child from our channels. Please let us know via the contact form.