About enrollments

Ready to enroll in one of our classes? Great!
What do you definitely need to know? And are you entitled to a discount?
You'll find out here!

Lesson and membership fees

To attend our circus classes, you pay lesson and membership fees.

As soon as you are registered, you can pay both fees by bank transfer. This must be done before the start of classes. To keep the bills bearable, there are several options – depending on your situation or status – for discounts or to spread the payment of membership and lesson fees over a longer period of time.

Ell Circo D’ell Fuego, Circus Doen, Circusles specialisatie Luchtacrobatie, Foto: Jasper Léonard

Enroll online

You can only register for our circus lessons and internships during the school holidays online or via the secretariat. You cannot reserve a spot via email So hurry to our registration tool.

Enroll online


Other questions

Still have questions about the content of one of our circus classes or workhops? Let Kiki, Ben or Mieke know at pedagogie@ecdf.be.

Still have questions about registrations, payments and the various discount options? Thomas and Wenke are happy to help at info@ecdf.be.


Payments & discounts

Ell Circo D’ell Fuego stands for a social policy. We don’t want to be a school that only people who can pay for it can attend. Therefore, we do our best to offer different social measures. Most of these measures can be combined with each other. This way we want to be a circus school open for everyone who wants to join.


Every child and young person has a right to leisure activities. That is why we think it is important that everyone can participate in our activities. The City of Antwerp supports its residents through the vrijetijdstoelage (leisure allowance). Do you have an A-card with the right to kansentarief? Then you can get up to 100 euros back on an annual basis for participation in sports, cultural or youth activities.

What are the conditions?

You are a resident of the city of Antwerp and have an A-card with kansentarief and apply for the allowance before November 30 of the current calendar year.

Watch out! If you are in counseling at a social center, receive debt assistance or are a work experience client, you can apply for the financial support leisure and receive up to 200 euroson an annual basis for a variety of activities. Do you have any questions about this? Please contact your social worker or counselor.


Discount Option 2

At Ell Circo D’ell Fuego, you receive a 30% discount on all classes if you are entitled to the status of Verhoogde Tegemoetkoming. If you are in possession of the correct documents, you can indicate the option ‘VT status’ in our registration module. Go you will receive a discount of 30% on all lessons if you are entitled to the Increased Allowance status. The discount will be settled in the payment message at the end of your registration.

What are the conditions?

You must be in possession of the appropriate documents related to Verhoogde Tegemoetkoming. Please contact your health insurance fund to review the requirements for Verhoogde Tegemoetkoming status and apply for it.

Discount Option 3

Everyone is registered in a health insurance fund. Most of these funds offer partial reimbursement of membership and/or lesson fees. The amount depends on your health insurance company. Through this link you will find our filled-in forms for the reimbursement of membership and lesson fees by health insurance companies. You can print them out, complete them and submit them to your health insurance company.


Discount Option 4

Ell Circo D’ell Fuego is a recognized youth work initiative. At the end of the school year, all students under 12 years old automatically receive a tax certificate for child care that you can take into account in your tax return. We send these tax certificates by email. Students with disabilities (between the ages of 12 and 18) are also entitled to a tax certificate. Please let us know if your child qualifies by sending an email to info@ecdf.be.


Staggered payment or customized payment plan

In the registration system, when registering for classes, you can choose to pay in 3 parts. If you wish, you can also indicate ‘customized payment plan’. ECDF will then contact you to see how we can best spread the payment of your registration. This can be done in several parts, or perhaps even monthly.

Watch out! Please note that this staggered payment option is a social measure. It is by no means a way to stop classes during the school year and not pay the outstanding amount. In case of abuse, we will – as a matter of principle – use all legal means to recover the full registration amount.


Do you still have questions or need help?

Do you have questions or do you need help filling out the necessary forms?
We’d be happy to help, just let us know at info@ecdf.be.