This was MAD Convention 2023

During MAD Convention, Flemish and international acrobatics students could spend three days training together, sweating together and trying out new techniques together.

From April 14 to 16, 2023, the doors of the ECDF training hall in SPRK were open to 300 enthusiastic acrobats. During MAD Convention, Flemish and international acrobatics students could train together for three days, sweat together and try out new techniques together. Artists who performed at MAD Festival in the evening also stopped by to share their knowledge and skills with a whole new generation of acrobats.



Focus on technique and safety

At MAD Convention, participants could sample a broad workshop program of about 25 different circus techniques. From acro dance to flying trapeze. From teeter board to straps. Also on the program: workshops on safety. During the Muscle Madness workshop, participants learned how to make their bodies stronger, more flexible and healthier. The Body and Health workshop focused on injury prevention and how, as an acrobat, you can support your training with a healthy lifestyle. In the Physical Integrity workshop, participants engaged with intimacy coordinator Philine Janssens on boundaries, respect, creativity and sustainable collaboration. Finally, ECDF trainer/rigger Thomas addressed the fundamentals of material safety during his Aerial Rigging workshop.

We organized MAD Convention as part of MAD Festival, a collaboration between Kunstenlab and Ell Circo d’Ell Fuego. With the support of the Flemish Government and city of Antwerp.


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