Ready for a new circus year?

The circus year is almost here! We’re quickly compiling all the info you need for a flying start the week of September 23.

The most important dates of the year!

Ell Circo D’ell Fuego, Circus doen, Foto: Ysabel Jongeneelen

When do classes not take place?

There are NO circus classes at the times listed below:

  • Fall break: October 28 to November 3, 2024
  • Armistice: Monday, November 11, 2024
  • Christmas break: December 23, 2024 through January 5, 2025
  • Spring break: March 3 to 9, 2025
  • Easter break: April 5* through 21, 2025
  • Labor Day: Thursday, May 1, 2025
  • Ascension: Thursday, May 29, 2025
  • Pentecost Monday: Monday, June 9, 2025 (Eindshow!).

* School vacations always start on Monday. So the weekend before a school vacation there is always circus class! In 2025 laten we de paasvakantie in de circusschool wél iets vroeger starten omwille van de voorbereidingen voor MAD Festival. In 2025, we do let the Easter break in the circus school start a little earlier because of preparations for MAD Festival.

Ell Circo D'ell Fuego, Foto: Ysabel Jongeneelen

The ultimate ECDF QA

1. What do I bring to circus class?

Sporting attire! Think training pants or shorts and a T-shirt. Gymnastics slippers are allowed but not required. Training barefoot works just as well. Jeans or clothing with zippers and jewelry are not allowed for safety reasons. Sweating may occur during class. Be sure to bring a water bottle to refuel.

2. When and where does my class take place?

Check everything again on your profile in our online registration tool. The address details of our various training rooms can then be found again on our location page.

3. Will there be free training this year as too?

Yes! Starting Wednesday, September 25, anyone 18 years and older – who can and wants to train independently – is welcome to join us every Wednesday at 20:00 in our training room in SPRK. ECDF trainer Ben will also be there. For friendly expertise and expert friendliness No registration required, your are welcome to join and go wild.

4. Where do I find forms for health insurance support?

Most of the health insurance funds offer partial reimbursement of membership and/or lesson fees. The amount depends on your health insurance company. The documents to request this refund can be found on this page.

5. Where and when can I buy a t-shirt and/or sweater?

In the fall, we’re planning a new online shopping spree. Be sure to keep an eye on our newsletter and/or our socials!

Ell Circo D'ell Fuego, Circus doen, Foto: Ysabel Jongeneelen

And some administrative shizzle to end with

  • If you have not yet paid (the full tuition and registration fee), we would like to ask you to do so as soon as possible.
  • ECDF aims to be accessible to all. People who are entitled to ‘Verhoogde tegemoetkoming’ can thus – depending on the situation – reduce tuition fees to a quarter of the original amount. If you need help with this, we are here for you. An overview of all concessions and discounts can be found on our website.
  • At the end of the school year, all students under the age of 14 automatically receive a tax certificate for child care that you can include in your tax return. We send these tax certificates by mail.
  • Students with disabilities between the ages of 12 and 18 are also entitled to a tax certificate. Laat ons weten of je kind in aanmerking komt door een e-mail te sturen naar


About the content of classes/vacation workshops? Do let Kiki, Ben and Mieke know at

About registrations and payments? Reach out to Thomas and Wenke know at


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