Circus accidents are quite specific. They therefore require their own first aid policy. Within Ell Circo D'ell Fuego, Inne & Wim Verheyen develop our First Aid Policy in a Circus Setting.
An injury triggers an inflammatory reaction almost immediately, it is an important first stage of the recovery process. The inflammation causes the body to send the right amount of cells, growth hormones and other building materials to the location of the injury When we contain it with medication or ice, we disrupt the natural course of recovery.
Ice is a common way to contain inflammation. But it is not as harmless as it seems. For example, it disrupts inflammation and thus the natural recovery process because it causes blood vessels to constrict. This reduces blood flow at the location of the injury, making it even more difficult for the building materials that guide recovery to get there In case of an inflammation, it is precisely the intention that the blood vessels allow more of those nutrients to pass through.
In addition, ice causes the body to release fewer local growth factors. These regulate the further course of recovery. Furthermore, you cannot prevent swelling with ice. It just comes later and lingers longer. Finally, ice has a negative effect on nerve function when training resumes immediately afterwards. It numbs the nerves allowing you to feel your body in less detail. This can negatively affect the existing injury or increase the likelihood of a new one.
Ok, no ice. But now what? Wat do we do? In terms of first aid, we go for PEACE & LOVE. That acronym was introduced to the medical community in January 2020 and focuses not only on first aid but also looks beyond, toward recovery.
If it is really necessary to reduce the pain, you can still choose to apply a minimal dose of ice. In doing so, follow this rhythm: 5 minutes of ice – 20-minute break – 5 minutes of ice. Know that there are other ways to dampen pain besides ice, such as conscious breathing, compression and an understanding of the situation and the injury. These involve no risk and are therefore always preferred.
Depending on the urgency, our trainers will seek medical attention in the following situations or advise you to visit your doctor following the training.
You can always contact Inne You can reach her at